Happy 50th Birthday To Me: My Boudoir Photo Shoot Experience
Hello fashionistas and Happy Autumn!
I had an amazing summer — which now feels like a distant memory — and now that we’re quickly shifting into gear for fall, we’re thinking about fall fashion, how to stretch our summer wardrobes, and all the other things we typically associate with cooler weather.
(Pumpkin spice anyone? — Not for me, but I know that flavor has a passionate following. 😊)
Go shawty, it’s ya birfday! (for the 50th time…)
If you’ve been following me on Instagram , you know that I recently celebrated my 50th birthday. I don’t typically make a huge deal out of my birthday, but because I was celebrating a milestone, I wanted to do something special. One of the ways I celebrated was by posing for a boudoir photo shoot.
Why a boudoir photo shoot?
I’m not new to the boudoir photo shoot game. I did my first boudoir shoot several years ago, and it was a great experience. The idea was to tap into a side of myself that is very private, and also very important.
And I wanted to do it again.
I love style, fashion, glamour, sexiness, and pretty things. And projecting my “sexy” side is something I don’t do enough of.
And there’s nothing wrong with a woman leaning into her sexiness.
Whatever that looks like…
I don’t “feel” 50
Based on the messages fed to us by society, I'm not supposed to feel young at heart. I'm not supposed to feel good about myself. I'm not supposed to be stylish and I should "dress my age."
Screw that!
It's all about mindset. Don't let this world have you thinking you're not fabulous at 50 — or any other age, for that matter.
My life has been changing in good and interesting ways. I continue to grow, my thought process is evolving, and I want to be more intentional about how I live my life.
Am I having a midlife crisis? (I guess that ship has sailed anyway…)
I don’t think so…
It’s more about me having experienced enough to know that there are better ways to survive and thrive — and I want to explore them.
“It’s all about celebration and elevation!”
How I selected my photographer
For my previous boudoir shoot, I shot with a photographer I met at a wedding expo. The shoot went well, the pictures were gorgeous, and it was a positive experience.
I would have used her again, but she retired…
So I started by asking around for recommendations. I did some outreach and initially did not find what I was looking for. I wanted an edgy, moody, and sultry feel...and I wanted someone who “got” my vision.
I’m not afraid of the camera, I’m okay with pushing the limits a little, and the photographer needed the same type of energy.
“Once you become clear on what you want, finding it gets easier.”
After searching locally and not finding what I was looking for, a photographer I consulted with suggested expanding the search outside my immediate area. So I did — and found Marco Ibanez located in Baltimore, MD. As soon I checked out his website I knew he was “the one.”
Thanks Google!
Marco’s images were beautiful, there was content to guide clients through the process, and his creative perspective resonated with me. And when Marco and I chatted, it was a done deal. His calm demeanor and artistic vision sold me.
A little about Marco
As an artist and creative person, I am always curious about the thought process and journey of other artists, so I chatted with Marco about his background and process.
In his previous life, Marco worked in the financial services industry and didn’t feel fulfilled by his career. He wanted to do something more meaningful, and his initial goal was to try wedding photography. Marco transitioned into couples photography, and found his sweet spot specializing in boudoir photo shoots.
Marco did his homework to better understand how to use lighting effectively, posing techniques, and more. In fact — Marco is so hands-on that he participated as the subject of a boudoir shoot — to get into the minds of his clients.
“Boudoir photography makes women feel more confident.”
It’s about more than pretty pictures. Marco’s goal is to impact women of all shapes and sizes in a positive way so we feel great about ourselves. He says, “Boudoir photography impacts all aspects of women’s lives. It makes them feel more confident.” And I couldn’t agree more.
A great fit!
Working with Marco was a phenomenal experience. His professionalism, enthusiasm, and creative artistry helped bring my vision to life in an amazing way.
I’ve been leaning more into instincts lately, instead of solely relying on data and “facts.” There is something about intuition that can’t be quantified. And we’re often discouraged from tapping into that.
“Start trusting yourself more.”
Become a Fearless Insider
My newsletter subscribers received bonus content related to my boudoir shoot — more insight into why I did it, details about my outfits and more. If you haven’t signed up, you’re missing out.
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And if you’re interested in reading about my entire boudoir photo shoot journey, send me a note at lauren@thefearlessfashionista.com and let me know.
Thank you for reading.
Be Fearless. Stay Fashionable. Have Fun!
All photos: Marco Ibanez Photography
Those are just a small sampling of the gorgeous images Marco captured.
Artist and Visionary, Marco Ibanez
Copyright 2022, Marco Ibanez Photography
This is the gorgeous studio that was used for my shoot.
Copyright 2022, Marco Ibanez Photography