Please join me for my free style masterclass!


Hello fellow fashionistas and style enthusiasts!

I have an exciting announcement to share, but I need to provide you with a little backstory first.

When I landed my first corporate job — I was young, inexperienced, and ignorant about all the factors that contributed to my professional success. I stumbled my way through the workplace for years before I realized that in addition to hard work, intelligence, dedication, and relationship building — my office style played a critical role in shaping my personal brand.

One day, a colleague pulled me aside and told me that my outfits (which were cute and stylish, by the way) were not appropriate for the environment. Although I resented her comments at the time, I quickly realized that she was absolutely right.

I was always drawn to style and understood its powers, but ignored the age-old adage, “there’s a time and place for everything.”

Once I upgraded my office style and began dressing in the way I wanted to be perceived, my professional life improved.

  • I showed up confidently and was seen as a leader.

  • My style became a professional icebreaker.

  • A number of professional and personal opportunities opened up for me.

Over the years, my relationship with style and fashion has grown, and my mission is to inspire and empower women using style as a vehicle.

Please join me on October 25, 2021 at 7p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT. for my free masterclass:

Master Your Personal Style: The Style Blueprint for Multifaceted Professional Women.

This masterclass is for you if:

  • You don’t know how to dress your body type.

  • You’re a professional woman who wants to convey confidence and authority, but you’re not sure how to “look the part.”

  • You’ve limited yourself to a uniform of dark colors and neutrals.

  • You’re convinced that your age, size, or body type prevents you from being stylish.

  • You wear the same outfits repeatedly, because you don’t know how to get the most out of your wardrobe.

You can reserve your seat by registering here. Once your register, be sure to mark your calendar.

And if you have a friend or family member who will benefit from this masterclass, please spread the word. The gift of style is meant to be shared.

I look forward to seeing you on the 25th!


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