Pursue happiness as if your life depends on it, because it does!
Photo: No Name
Congratulations on surviving (most of) the holidays.
You’re likely thinking about the new year, resolutions, visions, plans, next steps, and all sorts of related topics.
I get it…I’m right there with you.
2023 was another challenging year, and alongside those challenges, there were many wins for me personally and professionally—so I am grateful. I hope the same is true for you.
In the spirit of growth and moving forward, I have highlighted 3 ways to help you immediately start improving the quality of your life.
3 ways to immediately start improving the quality of your life
Rest! Your body, mind, and spirit need rest. I’ve been getting LOTS of it lately because I’m constantly on the go—and it has been impacting my health. So I’m slowing down a bit and I encourage you to do the same. Eliminate unnecessary tasks and distractions, create time to sleep—and reconnect with people and activities that bring you joy.
RIGHT NOW is the best time to start making changes. For me, the most impactful and permanent changes start as small (almost) unnoticeable shifts in behavior. There’s a tiny shift you can start making right now to improve the quality of your life, and I’m sure you know what that is. Take that small step and commit to doing it consistently. And if you “mess up,” get back on track immediately. When you master that new good habit, add another one.
Pursue happiness as if your life depends on it — because it does! I dare you to audit every aspect of your life, starting with who you are, how you’re showing up, and how you can improve yourself. How are you sustaining your livelihood? Who are the people you associate with? What are your values and measures of success — and what are you doing to achieve them? Put it all out there and start being honest with yourself about yourself.
So what do you think? Are you willing to commit to focusing on your elevation, starting right now?
An update on my upcoming e-book series
My email subscribers, and Instagram audience already know this — and just in case you haven’t heard, I’ll be launching an e-book series:
Behind Closed Doors: A guide to navigating your boudoir photo shoot with confidence.
The D.I.V.A. Essentials: 4 steps to developing your signature style
The Capsule Wardrobe is Scam!
Subscribers will receive early access and special pricing, so if you’re not receiving my email updates, you can sign up here. And as a thank you, you’ll receive a free copy of my e-book, “Top six mistakes that are ruining your personal style and how to fix them.”
Want more of The Fearless Fashionista?
Check me out on Instagram, or purchase a paperback or digital copy of my book. The digital version is currently on sale for $5.97.
Thank you for reading.