Step into the new year in style!


Happy New Year fashion lovers!

The start of a new year is typically a time when people make resolutions, set goals, and begin putting in the work to improve the quality of their lives.

If you haven’t taken the steps to evaluate your style and how you show up for yourself, I’d like for you to include that in your plans for the new year.

It can be easy to fall into a style rut and not put much effort into your appearance — especially after what we’ve been through over the past couple of years…

But think about the last time you wore an outfit that made you feel good about yourself — I bet you felt more confident and productive.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel like that consistently?

Not sure how to do that? I’m here to help.

Five Tips To Help You Step Into the New Year in Style

  1. Get dressed with intent. Don't wait until the "last minute" to throw your outfits together. Be purposeful in how you show up in the world. There are a lot of things we can't control, but how we present ourselves isn't one of them.

  2. Know yourself. You know what "they" say..."Everything is not for everybody," or every body for that matter. Wear clothing that flatters your body, and that aligns with your lifestyle, values, and style sensibilities.

  3. Don’t be a slave to fashion trends. Fashion trends can be great if done in small doses — and if they work for your style personality. Understand what works for you, and let that dictate your style choices. Cultivating an authentic signature style is much better than jumping on the fashion trend du jour.

  4. Take a second look before you leave the house. Step in front of a full length mirror, preferably in the natural light, and make sure everything is "in order."

  5. Have fun! Fashion can be a whole lotta fun. The great thing about style is you can try different things and simply change your outfit if you don't like the way you look. Enjoy the process.

Final Thoughts

Treat your style the way you’d treat any other investment you’d make in yourself. It takes planning, time, and effort to get the results you’re looking for, and if you don’t know where to start — CONGRATULATIONS! — you’ve already taken the first step by reading my blog.

Need more help? Pick up a copy of my book, Find Your Fabulous. It’s currently 22% off when you enter code NEWYEAR22 at checkout. This offer is good until 1/7/22.


Enter code: NEWYEAR22 at checkout for 22% off until 1/7/22.


Thank you for reading. And I wish you a fantastic and prosperous new year!
