So long 2022, and looking ahead to 2023!


Hi fashionistas,

For me — 2022 — like most years, was filled with its share of highs and lows.

I’m incredibly grateful for all the wonderful people in my life — and for all the amazing experiences I’ve been able to participate in.

Tough times — a blessing in disguise?

I’m grateful for the hard times also.

It was hard for me to type that, because I would prefer to not experience tough times, but they’re a reality of life.

Difficulties can teach us the most valuable lessons, but we have to be open to receiving the messages. (I’m speaking to myself also.)

Bet on yourself

The most gratifying experiences in my life are those where I’ve trusted myself and believed in what I was doing so much that it didn’t matter what anyone else thought.

I’ve also battled negative internal voices that have worked tirelessly to stop me from achieving anything.

I’m learning to stop giving those voices a forum. And if you experience self-doubt and overanalyze every single thing you do — STOP.

It’s not helpful.

Surround yourself by positivity to help change your mindset.

Continue working on yourself

Develop a new skill, conquer a fear, expose yourself to different people and places — and do something that will feed your sense of purpose and contribute to your personal growth.

When you better yourself, you’re contributing to the beautification of the world.

Develop the courage to be yourself.

Step into your true style

If you’ve been consuming my content for a while, you know that I believe in the power of style. There is a strong connection between how you look, how you feel, and how you’re perceived by the world.

(Yeah, I know we shouldn’t care about what people think, but when you look at your wardrobe as a strategic tool, you’ll see that it’s more about you having more control of “the narrative” versus dressing to “please” other people.)

If you haven’t invested in your personal style, now is a great time to start showing up as yourself.

(Need a little help, set up a call with me.)

Thank you for supporting me

You’re reading this because you’re a The Fearless Fashionista “regular,” or you happened to randomly stumble upon this content, and now you’re hooked. :-)

In either case, I appreciate you!

My hope is that at least some of my content has resonated with you and has had a positive impact on your life.

Looking ahead

I am looking ahead with a sense of purpose and hope. There are so many great things in store for me, and I can’t wait to experience them. I want the same for you too.

Thank you for your support and have a safe, prosperous, and happy new year!

Be Fearless. Stay Fashionable. Have Fun!
